I am fully qualified to deliver
Bikeability (the national standard cycle training syllabus). I was an instructor with the Hampshire County Council Cycle Training Scheme for over 20 years and I now work for Warwickshire County Council in the schools in the south of the county. Since 1991 I have helped many hundreds of primary school children to gain their Bikeability Levels 1 and 2 (renamed from the original 'Cycling Proficiency'). I am also a qualified
Breeze ride leader for British Cycling and I regularly lead ladies bike rides from Shipston-on-Stour. Following a career in school teaching I set up
CycleSure as my own freelance business to provide cycling instruction to anyone of any age who needs basic training, a refresher course or confidence building.
I have
- accreditation by CTC as an Approved Instructor
- a DBS Enhanced Certificate
- a certificate in Basic First Aid
- full insurance cover under the CTC Cycle Activity Provider Scheme to deliver on-road Cycle Training
- links with other cyclists in the Warwickshire area involved in lobbying for improvements to cycling facilities in the locality and promoting the cause of cyclists.
I don't think of myself as a Cycle Trainer - I don't train bikes - I am a Cycling Instructor!
here for my views on cycling versus driving.